
Treat sciatica in Glendale today

Don’t allow your sciatica symptoms to get any worse

Sciatica is a condition that can be caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. This leads to pain in various areas like hips and legs, reduced range-of-motion, as well as numbness or tingling down one side. The symptoms will worsen until you address them correctly. At Healthwise Chiropractic, we want what’s best for you and to help you find a path to healing. Rather than hoping the symptoms will go away or masking them with painkillers, we’ll conduct gentle adjustments of your spine to help decompress the sciatic nerve so it doesn’t get worse before getting better – all without surgery!
Associated signs and symptoms of Sciatica:

A chiropractor in Glendale can provide lasting relief from sciatica

$250 New Patient Special

Includes Examination, Any Necessary X-rays, and Second Visit Report of Findings
Mention when scheduling appointment
*Some restrictions apply. Please contact office for more details.
For More Appointment Times Please Call The Office At (818) 551-9700