
Treat your knee pain at Healthwise Chiropractic

Create a customized treatment plan today

Knee Pain is one of the most common complaints to a Glendale Chiropractor. Knee pain can often be caused by misalignment of the knee joint. This can happen due to injury, overuse, or simply everyday wear and tear. When the knee joint is not properly aligned, it puts extra stress on the ligaments, muscles, and tendons surrounding the knee, which can lead to pain. Chiropractic care is an effective way to treat knee pain by realigning the knee joint. At our office in Glendale, our chiropractor Dr. Issagholyan has extensive experience treating knee pain. He will perform a thorough examination of your knee and create a customized treatment plan to get you relief from your knee pain. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
Associated signs and symptoms include:

Improve your health without having to resort to medication.

$250 New Patient Special

Includes Examination, Any Necessary X-rays, and Second Visit Report of Findings
Mention when scheduling appointment
*Some restrictions apply. Please contact office for more details.
For More Appointment Times Please Call The Office At (818) 551-9700